When we want to improve our health, most of us picture our physical health. A lean, strong and fit body. Whether it’s fat loss, building muscle, or a bit of both, most of us have experienced, or can clearly envision, the body changes that result from managing our health & fitness.

At Metabolic Living, we teach people how to live a metabolism-first lifestyle – a flexible, fun lifestyle that’s 100% focused on delivering the results that matter…

feeling, looking and performing your best.

As you can see, “looking your best” is just one result that matters to us. We want it all for you!

Metabolic health is about thriving in all the dimensions of your life, not just physical wellbeing. A metabolism-first lifestyle focuses on the whole person, which includes physiological, psychological, and social dimensions. These highly individual and interconnected dimensions of health contribute to, and influence, our metabolic health in a bi-directional manner.

  • physiology (the way the body responds biochemically to certain things, like diet and exercise)
  • psychology (thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; the way the body responds to stress)
  • social (the ways that society, culture, and others influence health)

Many of our clients experience large and beneficial trickle down effects from exploring and understanding these different dimensions, and their influences, on metabolic health. From this place of awareness and knowledge, YOU get to be back in control. Meaning, you can strategically and intentionally adjust personally meaningful and modifiable factors to create and sustain a metabolism-first lifestyle.

Instead of feeling trapped in a rigid one-size-fits-all approach with no flexibility (do this/don’t do that), you feel empowered and confident because you know and understand how YOUR body and metabolism works. You know how to adjust your diet & lifestyle when things change. And let’s face it, things change all the time, and we’re not always in control of these things!

For example, strong evidence exists that adopting certain lifestyle habits, such as 30 minutes of exercise daily, can modulate whole body energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity. In the context of a higher calorie diet, physical activity makes it easier to produce energy from fat. Physical activity is a modifiable factor that we can adjust during times of overeating – intentional or otherwise. I’m thinking holidays, celebrations, and vacations. Or during times of intense training blocks when increasing muscle mass is the primary goal. That’s a helpful metabolic hack depending on our practical circumstances and/or goals.

Using the same example, let’s unravel the multi-dimensional health effects of physical activity…

The impact of physical activity on energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity (as mentioned earlier) is a physiological side effect. What about the other dimensions of health? Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional wellbeing, and lower rates of mental illness. Although the impact of this will vary from person to person, the benefits of daily physical exercise for mental health are well documented and supported with robust evidence. Virtually or in-person, if this activity is associated with a sense of closeness and belonging, then we see benefits in the social dimension as well. To bring this full-circle, data from multiple studies have revealed that social connection (feeling supported and like you “belong”) directly influences multiple and interrelated health outcomes, including health behaviors, mental health, and physical health.

People differ. Bodies change. If that’s not respected, things will backfire. 

Metabolic Living

The metabolism is a beautiful system that provides energy for everything we do: grow, play, think, move, and exercise. Metabolically healthy people experience a range of health benefits associated with lower liver and visceral fat mass (fat around organs), greater cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity, insulin sensitivity, normal inflammation markers and preserved fat tissue function. These markers represent physiological health benefits under the hood, which are associated with a lower risk of metabolic and cardiovascular health complications. Because the metabolism is intimately connected to every system in the body, the trickle-down effects of improved metabolic health are large, varied, and dependent on the individual. In my experience working with clients as a Metabolic Optimization Coach, I can confidently attest to the positive changes on all dimensions of health – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual or existential.

Whether it’s fat loss, healthy ageing or another goal, it’s important to understand why your metabolic health is important to you. What does it look like to thrive in all dimensions of your life? And how will your metabolic health support you in achieving that?

To quote Simon Sinek, what’s your why?

Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash