Traditional Fourth of July foods like hamburgers and hotdogs may challenge your mindset as well as your nutrition and eating habits. For many folks, it can often feel like we must do the “healthy thing” or do “nothing” at all. 

The “healthy thing” or doing “nothing” at all. AKA “all-or-nothing” mindset.

This “all-or-nothing” mindset is common. It comes from a place of internal conflict. After all, we have so many things we are trying to juggle. Sometimes, it can seem like these things are at odds with each other. For instance, “eat a healthy meal” is at odds with other things we value like celebrating the holidays with friends and loved ones.

What about the “middle ground”?

When we start to see progress from our new nutrition and lifestyle habits, we don’t want to rock the boat. We think to ourselves “I can eat a healthy meal at home” OR “Anything goes”. 

The problem with this mindset is that it doesn’t leave any wiggle room or flexibility in our lives. At Metabolic Living, we teach folks about “structured flexibility”. The structure part is important. In the beginning stages of behaviour change, we need support, control and certainly – certain “rules” around how to eat, move, and exercise. We also need flexibility to adapt that structure to our own values, goals, and needs. 

Oftentimes, there’s a choice in the middle. It’s not perfect. It’s not “anything goes” either. But it’s good enough! Most importantly, it’s a conscious choice you’ve made – with skills you already possess. You are always in control. 

Let’s consider the big picture when it comes to nutrition. 

You are a metabolic detective – in training, as we all are. When making healthy choices has become “easier” at home or in familiar environments, there’s no reason that the same skills that you already have can’t be applied outside of the home or in different situations like during the holidays.

Eventually, navigating different food environments will become less intimidating or scary. As Dr. Jade Teta likes to say, “Easy is earned”. The uncertainty that comes with this new challenge is part of the process. It will become easier with time and practice. After all, this is a new application of your metabolic skills. 

Here are a few tips to help you navigate these new situations and/or environments.

  • Embrace the middle ground. When it comes to healthy choices outside your controlled environment, consider the options in a spectrum from “best” to “worst”. What does the choice in the middle look like? On a scale from 0-10, where zero is the absolute worst choice you can make, and ten is the absolute best choice, what does a five look like? 
  • Establish your own “bright lines”. Bright lines are hard and fast rules. Going back to the idea of “structured flexibility”, this idea leans into the “structure” part by creating clear and distinct boundaries for what is allowed – and what isn’t. For example, a bright line could be “no bread” or “no sugar”. When combined with any known food triggers, this approach does two things. One, it reduces the mental energy drain that comes from navigating an overwhelming array of food options, and two, it puts you in the driver’s seat. 
  • Plan ahead using “If/Then” statements. When we are trying to put our health first, we need to make certain trade-offs. How often you eat out may be one of those trade-offs. But this doesn’t mean that you’ll never eat out again. And sometimes, eating out is the only choice. Traveling, dining out, and eating on the run are situations that may require trade-offs, too. Use “If/Then” to consider potential trade-offs before heading out. For example “If I want to eat pizza, then I’ll eat a salad first and take half the pizza home.” Or, “If I need to eat on the run, then I’ll avoid any meals with bread.” With trade-offs, throw away the idea of perfect. Good enough is your new mantra! What’s the best choice for you, considering the situation? 

With trade-offs, throw away the idea of perfect. Good enough is your new mantra! What’s the best choice for you, considering the situation? 

  • Want-willing-won’t. Before you head out, get clear on what you are willing – and not willing – to do in these situations by considering what’s most important to you. Is it healthy choices, convenience, or enjoyment? There are no right or wrong answers here. At its core, behaviour is simply a coping mechanism, a way to solve problems, or a way to express our values and priorities. Does your behaviour reflect your core values, needs, identity, and priorities? If not, what needs to change? 
  • Stick to the basics: protein, fiber, and water. Focus on hunger suppressing, nutrient-dense foods first. Protein is the most satiating food and the most hunger suppressing. Carbohydrates that are high in fiber and water (think fruit and vegetables) provide volume in the stomach. As the stomach fills and stretches, signals are sent to the brain that the stomach is full. Due to its bulking effect in the stomach, fiber-rich carbohydrates provide satiety with fewer calories. On the other hand, processed and refined carbohydrates that do not contain much fiber and water (like bread, chips, or pasta) do not have the same impact on hunger. For many people, these foods also trigger cravings, which leads to overeating. And lastly, fat is the least hunger-suppressing food according to research. It’s also the most calorie-dense. 

Eventually, we all find ourselves navigating the complexities of the modern food environment. Holidays and celebrations included. And yes, you can look forward to them without fear or worry. With the tools outlined in this post, you can feel confident navigating any situation that arises today (or on other holidays). We all want to find that perfect sweet spot between healthy and enjoyable choices 🙂

Recap: How to make choices that are “good enough” vs “perfect” (without derailing your goals)!

  • Embrace the middle ground. What does the choice in the middle look like? 
  • Establish your own hard and fast rules. 
  • Plan ahead using “If/Then” statements. Consider potential trade-offs before heading out. 
  • Want-willing-won’t.Before you head out, get clear on what you are willing – and not willing – to do in these situations by considering what’s most important to you. 
  • Stick to the basics: protein, fiber and water.

Acknowledge the complexity and reality of these situations with compassion. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to adjust and adapt according to changing circumstances. When internal conflict arises, bring awareness and curiosity to it, rather than judgment and criticism. Your thoughts and feelings drive your behaviour. When there’s a gap, consider what you truly want and need. Experiment with these strategies to reframe and combine values in a way that suits you.

Photo by Paul Weaver on Unsplash