Immunity Challenge Day 3 

By Dr. Jade Teta

Hey what’s up, it’s Dr. Jade Teta here.  

Ever wondered why “diets” just don’t work for you?  

It’s not because you don’t have the willpower. It’s because they’re not designed to work for you. 

You’ve probably tried to squeeze yourself into a “one-size-fits-all” diet, with lots of rules. That often results in feeling deprived, excessive hunger, over-eating, and ultimately, weight gain. 

The truth is, diets don’t work because your metabolism is 100% unique TO YOU. So, if you want a flexible “eating style” that boosts energy, burns fat, and keeps your immune system strong… no matter what happens in your life… you have to design it for YOU.  

It’s both essential and liberating. Because once you learn how to customize your own “eating style,” you’ll never go on another diet again. And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do… 

In the last lesson, we discussed structured flexibility — a key philosophy you’ll need to create your ideal metabolic lifestyle. 

I go over the details in the video below. But here’s a brief overview: 

· Simply start with any dietary plan you resonate with — like keto, vegetarian, or paleo.  

· Measure how your metabolism and your immune system react to that diet. 

· Then, ADJUST certain factors to fit your physiology, psychology and personal preferences.  

· Measure again… adjust again… rinse and repeat. 

Very quickly, you’ll understand how YOUR metabolism and immune system work. And you’ll have a customized eating style that’s as unique as you… and that you can depend on to keep you fit and healthy.  

I’ll walk you through this process in the video below: 

I hope you enjoy this free immune system boosting guide. Please feel free to leave us a comment or question below.