Hey, what’s up? It’s Dr. Jade Teta here.  

People talk about “boosting metabolism” all the time.  

I hear it everywhere… on talk shows, in magazines, and eavesdropping in the line at the coffee shop.  

Everyone knows a “healthy” metabolism is a good thing. Most people think a FAST metabolism is a good thing, too. (But if you read this blog, you know better.) 

But when you ask the average person WHAT the metabolism really is… most people have no idea where to start. 

There’s no shame there. It’s a complex system.  

(I explain how it works in the video lecture below. Or, you can keep reading…) 

Some people say it’s like a calculator. It keeps track of the calories you eat and the calories you burn. And then you lose fat or gain fat accordingly.  

That’s partly true. However, a calculator is consistent, exact and predictable. Your metabolism is not. A healthy metabolism is flexible. It adapts and changes based on inputs and outputs. And it’s not always predictable. 

Some people say, no, it’s like a chemistry set. It’s all about hormones with crazy sounding names, like insulin and leptin, GLP and neuropeptide-Y.  

But there again, a chemistry set is predictable. The human body — with its trillions of moving parts that are constantly adapting — is anything but predictable.  

If we had to use an analogy to simplify this mind-bogglingly complex system…  

I would say your metabolism is like a thermostat… or a stress barometer.  

A thermostat is continuously measuring the temperature. A barometer measures pressure. Both machines are seeking balance… and will adjust temperature or pressure to get there.  

Your metabolism is also measuring pressure, in the form of stress (both emotional and physical), along with a zillion other inputs, like:  

· your hormonal signals, which are bringing it key information…  

· calories in and out… 

· the macronutrient content of your meals (i.e. what TYPE of food you’re eating)… 

· sleep (or lack thereof)…  

· how you’re moving (or not)…  

· how much energy you need… 

· and SO much more.  

Like a thermostat, the metabolism also wants to bring your body back into balance — or in physiology, we call it homeostasis.  

All of that explains why: 

· You can diet for 3 days and feel fine… but then on day 4, you’re suddenly starving, fatigued, moody and sleepless… 

· Why most people regain the weight they lost on a diet… 

· Why there’s no “one size fits all” diet that works for everyone… 

· Why the way you ate and exercised in your 20s and 30s doesn’t necessarily work for you in your 40s and beyond (especially for women, after childbirth or menopause)… 

· Why exercising too long or too intensely can make you gain weight… 

· And, because your metabolism fuels your immune system, it also explains why you might get sick after a long period of stress… or after pulling an all-nighter… or if you suddenly change your diet. 

Now, all of this comes down to one thing:  

What the “Experts” Say About Losing Weight is WRONG 

Let’s say you want to get fit and healthy. So, you do what everyone says you should do — you go on a diet and you crank up your exercise.  

Well, the metabolism doesn’t understand “diets.” And it doesn’t understand “jogging,” either.  

The metabolism is an ancient evolutionary system. All it understands is starvation… and running from lions.  

To the metabolism, those two signals mean you’re out of homeostasis. You’re OUT of balance. So, after a few days of starvation and this weird, stressful running thing that you’re doing… it basically thinks you’re going to die. 

So it takes over. 

It wants you to get more sleep. It cranks UP your hunger and cravings, so you’ll eat more and close the calorie gap. It turns down your energy, so you’re not losing unnecessary calories, and demotivates you so you’ll chill out.  

(Regular readers will recognize those metabolic “adjustments” as SHMEC — sleep, hunger, mood, energy and cravings.) 

That’s why the vast majority of dieters regain the weight they lost. The metabolism senses imbalance, freaks out, takes over… and makes you rest and eat, so all that fat goes right back where it should be.  

And while you’re slapping your forehead, shaming yourself for lack of willpower, and possibly fighting off a cold… your metabolism is running happily in the background, thinking, “I just saved your life. You’re welcome.” 

I hope all of that makes sense… and helps relieve some of the frustration!  

The good news is…  

Losing Weight and Staying Healthy Is Not About Suffering Through Hunger and Cravings 

You shouldn’t try to fight your metabolism. You’ll either lose the battle… or you’ll get sick and THEN lose the battle. Either way, your metabolism WILL win.  

Thankfully, there is a way to work WITH your metabolism to burn fat, keep it off, AND keep your immune system strong in the process. 

That’s exactly what we teach here at Metabolic Living… and what we’ve been discussing for the last 17 lessons.  

I’ll explain more in the video lecture below.  

Remember, the most EFFECTIVE thing you can do to boost immunity is to strengthen your metabolism, because your metabolism POWERS your immune system.  

I hope you’re enjoying this free immune system crash course. Please feel free to leave us a comment or question below!